
Twelve exciting months of VQWS!

Bereits ein Jahr liegt unsere Gründungsversammlung in Augsburg zurück. Seitdem hat das VQWS-Team in vielen ehrenamtlichen Arbeitsstunden die Weichen für eine erfolgreiche Zertifizierungsstelle künftiger Trainer gestellt. Das positive Feedback aus unzähligen Gesprächen, insbesondere anlässlich von vier SchraubTec-Messen,

It has already been one year since our founding meeting in Augsburg. Since then, the VQWS Team has spent many hours on a volunteer basis setting the course for a successful certification body for future trainers. The positive feedback from countless discussions – especially on the occasion of four SchraubTec trade fairs – demonstrates the increasing need for qualification and knowledge transfer in the field of bolt technology.

We are now ready. In spring 2023, the first certification processes will start!

At this point, we would like to express a heartfelt thank you to our members, partners, supporters, interested parties and bolt technology enthusiasts, and wish everyone a peaceful end to the year, happy holidays and a healthy start to the new year.