

Rainer Janecke

You can find out more about the precise objectives and tasks, the organisation and the milestones of the Association in the interview with VQWS spokesman, Rainer Janecke.

Interview (FAQ)

Members of working group 11 of the VDI/VDE 3.63 met in Augsburg on 21 December 2021 to found the VQWS.

If you compare bolt technology with other joining processes, you can quickly see the difference. According to the DVS, there are around 180,000 qualification measures per year in welding technology alone. In bolt technology, measures are only found in the four-digit range at best. The reason for this is that, until 2018, there was no standardisation of qualifications for people who are directly (or indirectly) employed in the field of bolt technology. In order to keep this group of people consistently up-to-speed with the latest knowledge and qualifications, the VDI/VDE MT 2637-2 and 2 specifically defined requirements for team members and trainers, respectively. In order to certify trainers, in particular, according to VDI/VDE MT 2637-2, an institution had to be established as a certification body.

The Association pursues the aim of creating this certification body. Specifically, the Association will handle the certification of training personnel, which, in future, will qualify personnel in a bolt technology environment in accordance with VDI/VDE MT 2637-2. The certification of trainers guarantees companies a high level of content-related, didactic and organisational quality of training measures as per the latest technological standards. In addition thereto, it provides assistance in the selection of available trainers for the required qualification areas.

In addition to its certification activities, the focus is on the transfer of knowledge with regard to bolt technology. A platform for professional exchange with the Association as an expert source is to be created.

The Association is composed of the Executive Board, an Extended Board, an Advisory Board and the General Assembly.

Members can be natural persons and legal entities, consisting of industrial companies, individuals, educational service providers, associations and other organisations, with a focus on all areas of bolt technology.

The current 52 qualification modules under the VDI/VDE MT 2637-1 form the basis for a demand-oriented qualification. A combination of these individual modules results in the specific scope of qualification content and measures for the respective professional. The specifications according to VDI/VDE MT 2637 will – like any other guideline and standard – constantly evolve to meet future requirements.

The guideline here is the VDI/VDE MT 2637-2.

The trainer concept itself is based on 3 pillars.

  • Qualified training
  • Relevant experience spanning several years in the field of bolt technology
  • Proof of the required didactic ability to be able to impart this knowledge.