Verband für Qualifikation und Wissenstransfer in der Schraubtechnik e.V.
With the completion of the VDI/VDE MT 2637-1 guideline at the end of 2018, another gap was closed. For the first time, there is a meaningful standard that describes how personnel in the field of tightening technology should be qualified in a targeted and task-oriented manner. In order to ensure a high level of qualification, specifications for the requirement profiles of trainers and the necessity of certification measures by an independent body were defined subsequently and by the end of 2021.
As an umbrella organization, the VQWS will take on these certification tasks in the future and was founded in Augsburg in December 2021 for this purpose.

Find out more about the exact objectives and tasks, the organization and the association’s milestones in the
interview with VQWS association representative Rainer Janecke: